$1,497.00 USD

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Coaching Certification Program

Coaching a Ministry of Christian service. This course provides a great opportunity for individuals who are called to Christian ministry to explore the vast areas of ministry options in Christian service through coaching. We equip you with knowledge and skills and expose you to what it will take to be an effective coach. Coaching Ministry provides pastoral care to hurting individuals, families, churches, the market places and communities. 

What you'll get

  • Ten (10) 2-Hour sessions of instruction (total 16-hours)

  • Two (2) sessions of 1-on-1

  • Direct email communication

  • 10-hours of independent assignments and projects

  • Professor highly qualified and experienced in adult education

  • Exposure to highly required resources

  • Access to your professor who has years of experience 

  • Certificate of Completion from a credible academy GORDON DIVINELY DIRECTED COACHING ACADEMY



What People Are Saying:

Reverend Dr. Jasmine Gordon has a caring heart for ministry and healing. It is at the core of who she is. She exudes this trait effortlessly in interactions with those to whom she ministers. Before interacting with her, I was struggling with a separation that made me angry, bitter and resentful. I was broken and hurting deeply. As I opened up, and shared with her what I was dealing with and the depth of the hurt, she listened attentively. She identified with my pain and offered words of comfort and solace from her own experiences but more importantly from Scripture. She has been such an inspiration and has helped to speed up the process for me to find healing through forgiveness.

Roselle Reid

I am Dr. Kibby Otoo, a leader with ecclesiastical supervision over churches located in North, and South America as well as the Caribbean. I coach Senior Clergy and Emerging Leaders both in the church and the marketplace. Working with Dr. Gordon has helped me fine tune my goals, vision, and overall message. She has also helped provide clarity to my strategy, and techniques, and made them more effective. Coach Gordon would not only ‘talk the talk” but also ‘activate’ ‘teacher mode’ if necessary, and tutor you, till your message is perfect, & concise. I highly recommend working with Coach Dr. Gordon. She will provide the structure necessary for growth, & bring needed alignment where your actions diverge from your values or stated goals. Bishop Dr. Kibby Otoo Virginia, USA

Bishop Kibby Otoo